Trains between Germany and the Czech Republic

There are many times between Germany and the Czech Republic. Long-distance trains between Prague and Berlin run often, cross-border trains connect almost all border regions, cheap cross-border network passes are available. Last updated: 04.06.2024 Railway border crossings between Germany and the Czech Republic Bärenstein DB – Vejprty ČD Bayerisch Eisenstein DB – Železná Ruda centrum …

Trains between Germany and France

There are many trains between Germany and France. Passengers can choose between high-speed TGV, ICE and Thalys/Eurostar trains, overnight trains (twice a week) and some cross-border trains (not all of them run daily). Last updated: 03.06.2024 Railway border crossings between Germany and France: Saarbrücken DB – Forbach SNCF Berg DB – Lauterbourg SNCF Hanweiler-Bad Rilchingen …

Trains between Germany and Switzerland

There are many trains between Germany and Switzerland. Major cities in both countries are well-connected by high-speed trains multiple times each day, regional trains and overnight trains. The list includes most important passengers services – I am not sure that the list is complete. Last updated: 02.06.2024 Railway border crossings between Germany and Switzerland: Konstanz …

Trains between Germany and Denmark

There are a few trains between Germany and Denmark. Local trains, Eurocity trains and overnight trains from Stockholm to Berlin pass through Denmark. Train ferries no longer run. Overnight trains from Copenhagen to Amsterdam and Zurich were discontinued many years ago but there is a chance, that Nightjet trains will reach Copenhagen in the future. …

Trains between Germany and Belgium

There are few trains running between Germany and Belgium, but the well-organized railway system in Belgium allows easy access by train to the major cities directly from Germany or with only one transfer. Last updated: 01.06.2024 Railway border crossings between Germany and Belgium: Aachen Hbf DB – Hergenrath SNCB Aachen West DB – Montzen SNCB …

Trains between Germany and the Netherlands

There are many trains between Germany and the Netherlands. Most popular are direct daytime trains from Berlin to Amsterdam, but noteworthy are also cross-border trains, especially between Aachen, Germany, Maastricht, Netherlands and Liege, Belgium. In the future passenger service offer will be extended. Nightjet trains to Amsterdam pass through Germany. Last updated: 31.05.2024 Railway border …

Trains between Germany and Poland – a comprehensive guide

There are many trains between Germany and Poland but sometimes traveling by cross-border trains is complicated due to engineering works (from Szczecin) and complicated tariffs on the Polish side. In recent years, the transport offer have significantly improved. Currently, direct long-distance trains from Poland to Germany end in Berlin – there are no direct trains …

Trains between Germany and Austria

There are many trains between Germany and Austria. ICE trains, cross-border trains, trains through the Czech Republic – the choice is wide. Almost all trains are operated by Deutsche Bahn and Austrian Railways although there are exceptions. Last updated: 29.05.2024 Railway border crossings between Germany and Austria: Lochau-Hörbranz ÖBB – Lindau-Reutin DB Salzburg ÖBB – …

Trains between Austria and Slovenia

There are many trains between Austria and Slovenia but due to engineering works on main railway corridors international trains sometimes may be temporarily cancelled or replaced by buses. In recent years, Slovenian Railways have replaced a large part of their regional train fleet, making it possible to launch new trains between countries. Last updated: 27.05.2024 …