There are many trains between Austria and the Czech Republic. Most important for tourists are Eurocity and Railjet trains from Graz and Vienna to Prague via Brno. Trains from Poland to Vienna and Graz also pass through the Czech Republic. Austria is connected with Czech Republic by railway corridors for high-quality trains, so long-distance connections …
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Currently, there are no trains between Albania and Montenegro. Both countries have a good railway connection but it is only used for freight trains. Last updated: 04.01.2025 I don’t understand why seasonal passenger trains from Podgorica to Shkodra were not launched. The railway line has a great potential and the distance between two important cities …
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Currently, there are no passenger trains between Finland and Russia. All passenger trains were discontinued from 28 March 2022 due to Russian invasion of Ukraine. There is no chance to reinstate passenger trains between both countries in the nearest future. This is only possible if Russia will attack and occupy Finland. Last updated: 04.01.2025 Railway …
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Due to political tensions, the invasion of illegal immigrants on the Polish border and the Russian invasion on Ukraine currently there are no passenger trains between Poland and Belarus. Buses run normally and there are numerous bus connections between major Polish cities and Belarus. Last updated: 04.01.2025 Railway border crossings between Poland and Belarus: Terespol …
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Currently, there are no scheduled passenger trains between Croatia and Serbia. All passenger trains were suspended in March 2020 due to COViD-19 pandemic and were not reinstated, although some of them still appear in timetable, but in fact, these trains don’t run. It may change in the nearest future, so check national operators’ websites for …
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Currently there are no passenger trains between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although trains between Belgrade and Podgorica pass through Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is a short strech without stops and border control. Direct train from Belgrade to Sarajevo was ceased many years ago. The train was comprised of Serbian and Bosnian carriages (both ŽRS …
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Currently, there is only one train between Poland and Lithuania. There is only one border crossing between both countries and trains are slower than international buses operated by Ecolines, Flixbus and Lux Express. Buses run several times a day between Warsaw and Vilnius. Train connection Krakow – Vilnius in fact is not a direct train, …
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There are many trains between Slovakia and Hungary. Most popular are international trains from Bratislava to Budapest but there another ways to travel by train from Slovakia to Budapest and major Hungarian cities. Almost all cross-border trains were suspended. Last updated: 24.06.2024 Railway border crossings: Rusovce ŽSR – Rajka GYSEV Komárno ŽSR – Komárom MÁV …
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Currently, there are no trains between Serbia and Romania. In the past, an overnight train ran between Belgrade and Bucharest. The train was comprised of old seating carriages and comfortable Romanian sleeping car. Tickets and supplement for sleeping car were relatively expensive. The train was discontinued in the first half of the 21st century. Railway …
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Currently, there are no trains between Serbia and Kosovo. In the past, there were passenger services between both countries, both travel from Belgrade to Kosovo was very slow and complicated – at least 2 transfers and unbearable heat in trains during summer (trains were often cancelled during heatwaves). Due to political tensions there is no …
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