There are no trains in Andorra. The nearest railway station is Andorre-L’Hospitalet station 10 km east of Andorra which is on the standard-gauge line from Latour-de-Carol (25 km) southeast of Andorra, to Toulouse and on to Paris by the French high-speed trains. This line is operated by the SNCF. The line connecting Latour-de-Carol and Toulouse runs within two kilometres of the Andorran border.
In 2019, there was news of plans to construct a seven-kilometer underground railway line connecting the Andorran town of Pas-de-la-Case with the French city of Porta.
The construction of the line is estimated to cost around 150 million euros, and in the future, trains would cover the seven-kilometer distance in 11 minutes. Similar ideas had been proposed before, but only now has a feasibility study been commissioned.
Due to the terrain, it will be necessary to dig a tunnel. This will not be easy, as the difference in elevation between the stations is 580 meters.
In the French town of Porta, there is a railway station from which regional trains depart to Toulouse. It would only be necessary to build a viaduct that is 200 meters long.
The railway line would improve transportation in the popular region. Running a train would bypass traffic jams and provide access to Andorra for shopping regardless of weather conditions.
It is unclear whether the plan will be realized or was abandoned.
There are no proposed railway lines from Spain to Andorra.
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