Trains from Poland to Kaliningrad

Currently, there is no train from Kaliningrad to Poland. Due to geopolital situation and political tensions there is no chance to reinstate passenger trains between Kaliningrad and Poland in the nearest future.

Last update: 18.01.2024

In the 1990s, trains ran daily between Poland and Kaliningrad. There were direct sleeping carriages Gdynia to Sankt Petersburg via Kaliningrad.

At the beginning of the 21st century, there was a Gdynia-Kaliningrad train, used mainly by smugglers. Train has three Russian passenger cars. Train stopped for example in Gdansk, Sopot, Tczew, Malbork, Frombork and Braniewo. The railway line from Elblag to Braniewo via Frombork was one of the most beautiful railway lines in Poland – the tracks were laid close to the bay. Currently, this railway line is closed for passenger and freight trains. In 2023 draisines ran in summer from Frombork to Braniewo.

The train train ran daily but due to visa policy in Russia and Kaliningrad Oblast only very few passengers used the train. In 2010 the train from Poland to Kaliningrad ran only in summer season.

The train was eventually suspended in 2013.

There were plans to reinstate passenger trains between Poland and Kaliningrad.

On 5 January 2018 a special train for tourists from Kaliningrad made his journey to Gdansk. Local authorities announced plans to launch regular summer trains from Kaliningrad to Olsztyn, Poland. These plans failed.

Due to Russian politics there is no hope for trains from Poland to Kaliningrad Oblast. But there are many buses between Poland and Kaliningrad.

Read also:

Train travel in Kaliningrad Oblast

Train from Poland to Kaliningrad
Gdynia – Kaliningrad train in 2006 (Photo: Albert Koch, CC-BY-ND,