There are many trains between Slovakia and Hungary. Most popular are international trains from Bratislava to Budapest but there another ways to travel by train from Slovakia to Budapest and major Hungarian cities. Almost all cross-border trains were suspended.
Last updated: 24.06.2024
Railway border crossings:
Rusovce ŽSR – Rajka GYSEV
Komárno ŽSR – Komárom MÁV
Štúrovo ŽSR – Szob MÁV
Lenartovce ŽSR – Bánréve MÁV
Kechnec ŽSR – Hidasnémeti MÁV
Slovenské Nove Mesto ŽSR – Sátoraljaújhely MÁV
The railway border crossing Šiatorská Bukovinka ŽSR – Somosköújfalu MÁV is closed for passenger traffic. Cross-border passenger trains from Fiľakovo to Somosköújfalu (14 km) were ceased on 1 May 2011. In the past, the route was used also for long-distance international trains. Freight trains run occassional.
Cross-border passenger trains from Lenartovce to Bánréve were withdrawn on 12 December 2009. Currently, Hungarian trains from Miskolc-Tiszai via Ozd terminate at Bánréve station.
The two railway lines between Slovak stations Lučenec and Veľky Krtíš pass through Hungarian territory. The lines are used for freight traffic. Sometimes special trains run on the route (railway border crossing: Bušince ŽSR – Nógrádszakál MÁV, Kalonda ŽSR – Ipolytarnóc MÁV). Passenger trains on the route Bušince – Veľký Krtíš were ceased on 31 May 1992. Passenger trains from Lučenec to Kalonda were suspended in 2003.
Railway line from Šahy to Drégelypalánk was closed and dismantled in the 1960s.
Railway border crossing Hosťovce ŽSR – Hídvégardó MÁV is out of use except special trains for railway enthusiasts from Turňa nad Bodvou to Tornádaska are launched. Tracks are overgrown.
Railway border crossing Sátoraljaújhely – Slovenské Nove Mesto is used only for freight traffic.
Railway border crossing Komárno – Komárom is used for freight traffic but passenger trains are sometimes rerouted to this route (in case of flooding or mudslides on the Szob – Budapest railway line)
Trains between Slovakia and Hungary – useful websites
Slovak Railways – online shop (international tickets are available)
Hungarian Railways – online shop (international tickets are available)
Train travel in Slovakia – a comprehensive guide
Train travel in Hungary – a comprehensive guide
Train stations in Bratislava
Trains from Bratislava to Budapest
Trains connecting the capitals of both countries are most popular trains between Slovakia and Hungary. Trains from Bratislava to Budapest run every two hours. Trains start from Germany or Prague and are comprised of Hungarian or Czech seating carriages and restaurant car. 1st and 2nd class are available, you can choose open-plan carriage or carriage with compartments.
All carriages are air-conditioned and equipped with vacuum toilets.
The section from Szob to Vac led along Danube river – it is scenic line but prone to mudslides and floods.
Trains are comfortable but often are overcrowded due to free train rides for selected social groups in Slovakia and Hungary.
Journey time between Bratislava and Budapest is about two and a half hours.
Tickets are available online. The ticket price depends on the date and occupancy of the train.
If you travel by train from Budapest to other Slovak cities, you have following options:
There are regional trains from Nové Zámky to Nitra and Komárno.
From Bratislava main station you can continue your journey to Trnava or Trenčín by local or fast trains. Trains are often overcrowded.
Bratislava main train station – additional information

Trains from Košice to Budapest
Eurocity trains between Košice and Budapest provide easy access from Slovakia to many interesting places in East Hungary. Trains stop in Miskolc – you can visit Miskolc and Lillafüred or change trains and continue your journey towards Tokaj or Debrecen.
The train journey from Košice to Miskolc takes one and a half hours. Journey time from Košice to Budapest is almost four hours.
If you want to travel Košice to Eger, you need to change trains at Füzesabony station.
Trains are comprised of modern, air-conditioned Slovak carriages. 1st and 2nd class are available, you can choose between open-plan carriages and carriages with compartments.
Tickets are available online. The ticket price depends on the date and occupancy of the train.
Kosice train station – additional information

Cross-border trains between Slovakia and Hungary
Cross-border trains from Bratislava to Rajka run several times a day. These trains run from Bratislava-Petrzalka train station or Bratislava-Nove Mesto train station, not from the main station. The Bratislava-Petrzalka station is located far from the Bratislava main station. There is a bus stop in front of the station. Bus line no. 80 connects the station with the city center and no. 93 (it is necessary to use station’s underpass to get to the stop of no. 93) connects the station with Bratislava main railway station.
Trains are operated by Slovak Railways or GySEV. Currently, Slovak diesel multiple units serve the connection. It may change in the future.
You can change trains at Rajka station and continue your journey to the beautiful Hungarian city of Győr.
Journey time from Bratislava to Rajka is about 20 minutes. Travel time from Rajka to Győr is approximately 50 minutes.
Tickets are available online. The ticket price depends on the date and occupancy of the train.
Bratislava-Petrzalka train station – additional information

Trains from Košice to Čierna nad Tisou stop at Slovenské Nove Mesto station. You can cross the border by foot and walk to the centre of the Sátoraljaújhely. The distance is about 2 kilometers.
If you travel from Bratislava and want to visit Esztergom, you can get off at Štúrovo and take a bus or taxi to the border bridge (distance from the train station to the Esztergom is 5 kilometers). There are regional trains from Esztergom to Budapest.
Trains from Bratislava to Komárno end 3 kilometers from the railway station in the Hungarian town of Komárom. You can cross the border by foot (Komárom is a nice town, definitely worth visit) and continue your journey from Komárom towards Budapest or Győr.