Trains between Poland and Slovakia (2025)

There are a few trains between Poland and Slovakia. Currently, passenger train transport between Poland and Slovakia leaves much to be desired. Some of the cross-border trains run only seasonally on weekends. The buses are much better option – there are direct Flixbus connections from Krakow to Bratislava, Poprad and Kosice. Seasonal trains are very popular among rich Poles.

Last updated: 04.01.2025

Long-distance trains between Poland and Slovakia

Trains traveling from Poland to Budapest pass through Slovakia, providing an easy and quick access to Bratislava, from where you can continue your journey to other Slovak cities. Direct long-distance trains run from Warsaw and Krakow to Bratislava and continue their journey to Budapest. In Poland, these trains are operated by PKP Intercity.

Base-priced tickets are expensive. There are cheap promotional tickets but they are limited and you must buy tickets in advance. Promotional tickets are non-changeable and non-refundable.

Prices start from:

Warsaw – Bratislava: 19.90 EUR
Krakow – Bratislava: 9.90 EUR
Katowice – Bratislava: 9.90 EUR

The price applies to the cheapest tickets. Promotional tickets are sold in different price tiers. Once the cheapest tickets are sold out, more expensive tickets from the next price tier become available. For example, if tickets for 9.90 EUR are sold out, tickets for 14.90 EUR will appear in the system. Tickets are issued for the specific train.

Passengers who want to travel to Žilina, Poprad and Košice, need to change trains in Bohumin, Czech Republic.

If you want to travel to Zilina or Kosice, you need to get out in Bohumin, Czech Republic and change train. For example:

Step 1) travel by train from Warsaw to Bohumin.
Step 2) transfer to Prague – Kosice train in Bohumin
Step 3) travel by Prague – Kosice train to Zilina, Ruzomberok, Liptovsky Mikulas, Poprad or Kosice

Timetable and tickets:

PKP Intercity – online shop
Slovak Railways – online shop
Czech Railways – online shop (Bohumin – Kosice trains)

If you plan to travel by an overnight train from Warsaw to Bratislava, travel in a couchette or sleeping car is recommended due to frequent thefts in seating carriages.

Long-distance trains stop at Bratislava train station in Slovakia and Warszawa Centralna train station in the centre of the city of Warsaw. Main station in Kraków is located in the city centre. Sometimes trains may temporarily terminated at Warszawa Gdanska station. It is a small and neglected train station located four kilometers from the downtown but is well-connected with the city centre by metro.

There is a direct train from Vienna to Gdansk.  If you start your journey in Bratislava, you need to change trains at Breclav train station, Czech Republic.

Bratislava hlavna stanica train station
Warsaw Central Station
Warszawa Gdańska train station
Krakow Glowny train station

Old Town in Warsaw (Photo: Medvedkov)

Regional trains between Poland and Slovakia

There is an only one all year regional train connection between Poland and Slovakia. Regional trains from Zwardoń, Poland, to Skalite or Cadca, Slovakia run several times a day. In Poland, you can continue your journey by Zwardoń – Katowice trains operated by Koleje Śląskie. It is a good choice, if you want to visit charming Polish city of Bielsko-Biała, but personally I don’t like trains from Zwardoń to Katowice – these trains are often overcrowded, are equipped with only one toilet (often out of use) and journey time is long, because train often stops.

Currently, Slovak trains run on the short route Zwardoń – Skalite and there is a transfer to trains to Cadca and Zilina. There is no ticket office at Zwardoń station. You can buy tickets via internet.

Zwardoń – Cadca return ticket costs about 5 EUR.

Koleje Śląskie – official website and online shop (Katowice – Zwardoń)
Slovak Railways  – online shop (Zwardoń – Skalite/Cadca)

Seasonal trains between Poland and Slovakia

For several years, there have been two seasonal trains running between Poland and Slovakia.

Poprad – Muszyna train

Poprad – Muszyna train is a very popular train runs in winter and summer on weekends. The connection is operated by Slovak Railways and you can continue your journey from Muszyna by Polish trains operated by Koleje Małopolskie (regional trains) or PKP Intercity (fast trains) towards Nowy Sacz, Tarnow and Krakow or popular spa town Krynica-Zdrój. Railway line Muszyna – Tarnów is one of the most scenic railway lines in Poland but trains are often replaced by buses due to engineering works.

If you travel from Poland, it is worth to visit charming Slovak town of Kiezmarok or to travel around High Tatras by Tatra Electric Railway. Poprad-Tatry station is an important railway junction, so you can plan a weekend train trip to Slovakia.

Tickets are cheap but for those, who travel from Poland, payment is only in EUR. It is better to buy tickets via internet.

Poprad – Muszyna train is comprised of refurbished Slovak small diesel multiple unit. Poprad – Muszyna train is often overcrowded.  Train station in Muszyna is terrific.

Slovak Railways – online shop (Poprad – Muszyna)
Slovak Railways – additional information
Koleje Małopolskie – additional information
Poprad-Tatry train station

Trains between Poland and Slovakia
Poprad – Muszyna train (Photo: Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko/Facebook)

Sanok – Medzilaborce train

Sanok – Medzilaborce train runs only on weekends from mid-June to end of August. The connection is operated by Slovak Railways in cooperation with Polregio. Sometimes trains run twice a day (once a day from Rzeszów to Medzilaborce) – timetable is announced in June and it is impossible to predict the dates when the train will run.

Usually there are two trains in each direction – it is possible to organize one-day train trips from Slovakia to an attractive Polish town of Sanok (famous for largest open-air museum in the country) or from Poland to Medzilaborce and Presov (with transfer).

There are separate tickets for Polish and Slovak stretch (domestic tariff applied). Additionally passengers need to buy cheap ticket between border stations of Łupków and Medzilaborce.

Sanok – Medzilaborce train is comprised of Polish diesel multiple unit. The train is air-conditioned and equipped with vacuum toilet. Train is usually overcrowded, because the route lead through picturesque Oslawa River Valley and Bieszczady Mountains.

Polregio – information about train (check in mid-June)

There are plans to launch fast-trains from Krakow to Miskolc, Hungary via Nowy Sacz and Kosice in the nearest future. The railway line from Nowy Targ to Trstena was dismantled and replaced by bike path. There are buses from Zakopane to Chocholow and Trstena operated by Koleje Małopolskie.

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Poland to Slovakia train
Sanok – Medzilaborce train (Photo: Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko/Facebook)
Slovakia to Poland train
Interior of the Sanok – Medzilaborce (Photo: Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko/Facebook)