Trains between Poland and Belarus (2025)

Due to political tensions, the invasion of illegal immigrants on the Polish border and the Russian invasion on Ukraine currently there are no passenger trains between Poland and Belarus. Buses run normally and there are numerous bus connections between major Polish cities and Belarus.

Last updated: 04.01.2025

Railway border crossings between Poland and Belarus:

Terespol PKP – Brest BČ
Kuźnica Białostocka PKP – Bruzgi BČ
Czeremcha PKP – Vysoko-Litovsk BČ
Cisówka PKP – Svisloch BČ (freight only)

Trains between Warsaw and Minsk

For many years, there was a direct night train from Warsaw to Minsk. Train was comprised of Belarusian sleeping carriages (kupe and SV). An overnight train Polonez from Warsaw to Moscow had a stop in Minsk.

In 2019 there was a train connection between Warsaw and Minsk with transfer in Brest. Polish fast train ran from Warsaw to Brest, Belarus. On the same platform Belarusian express train Brest – Minsk. Tickets were relatively cheap. The train was suspended due to the pandemic in 2020 and have not resumed.

Trains from Krakow to Hrodna

For several years Polish fast train TLK Hańcza from Krakow to Suwalki has two direct seating carriages to Hrodna. The carriages were unhooked at Bialystok station and ran to the Hrodna station. The connection was popular but was ceased. The trainn provided easy access to Hrodna from Warsaw and Bialystok.

Cross-border trains between Poland and Belarus

There were a few cross-border trains between Poland and Belarus.

Passenger train Czeremcha – Visoko-Litovsk was suspended in 2011. Earlier, in the 1990s and early 21st century, direct trains operated from Białystok to Brest. The route was shortened to Czeremcha, Poland and Visoko-Litovsk, Belarus and shortly after ceased. Uncomfortable railcars without toilet were popular among locals.

Passenger trains between Terespol and Brest ran for many years. These trains were suspended due to the pandemic and have not resumed. There are no plans to reinstate passenger service.

Passenger trains from Kuźnica Białostocka to Hrodna were discontinued in 2015 and replaced by direct carriages Krakow – Hrodna via Warszawa and Bialystok. The line was upgraded but there are no plans to resume passenger trains.

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Trains between Poland and Belarus
Regional train between Kuźnica Białostocka and Hrodna (Photo: Dmitrij Vankevic, CC-BY-SA, Wikimedia Commons)