Trains between North Macedonia and Greece

Currently, there are no trains between North Macedonia in Greece. Railway operators in both countries face many problems. There were plans to establish cross-border trains buth the two governments did not reach an agreement.

Railway border crossings:

Neos Kafkasos OSE – Kremenica MŽ
Idomeni OSE – Gevgelija MŽ

In the past, there were passenger trains between North Macedonia and Greece on the Skopje – Thessaloniki route. In 2011 Greek government cancelled all international trains from Greece. The train from Belgrade to Thessaloniki, known as Hellas Express, was also suspended due to cost-cutting by the then Greek state-owned railway company TrainOSE. For some time, the train ran from Belgrade to Skopje as an overnight train.

Train from Belgrade to Thessaloniki was resumed in 2014. Shortly after was reduced to summer only and ceased in 2019.

The second railway border crossing is currently out of use. In 2010s, media have repeatedly reported about plans to launch passenger trains between Bitola and Florina. The distance between second-largest city in North Macedonia and Greek town of Florina is about 30 kilometers, but there were no passenger trains. The line was used only for freight traffic.

It is incomprehensible to me why the both countries did never launch passenger train Bitola – Florina or Bitola – Thessaloniki. Tourists need to take a taxi to the border, cross the border and continue their journey by foot or taxi.

I don’t suppose there is any chance to reinstate passenger trains between North Macedonia and Greece in the nearest future.

Related articles:

Train travel in Greece – a comprehensive guide
Train travel in North Macedonia – a comprehensive guide

Trains between North Macedonia and Greece
Idomeni – border railway station in Greece (Photo: Dariusz Sieczkowski/Trenopedia)