Travel by train in Lithuania allows you to reach the country’s largest cities. Trains, apart from the Vilnius – Kaunas route, do not run often and are not cheap, but thanks to new investments, the comfort of traveling is improving. The most popular railway routes in Lithuania are Vilnius – Kaunas and Vilnius – Klaipėda. Trains do not reach the popular tourist destinations on the Curonian Spit, passengers must have to change to a bus in Klaipėda.
Last updated: 15.02.2024
Currently, the construction of the Rail Baltica railway line is underway.
Train travel in Lithuania – domestic trains
To the surprise of travelers, most of Lithuanian trains and stations make a very good impression. They are good maintained, and many trains have been refurbished in recent years. Only problem are toilets at railway stations – there are often Turkish toilets, but in trains the toilets are not very clean. Lithuanian Railways consistently replaces rolling stock.
In Lithuania there are no rail pass allowing to unlimited travel by train for several days, but from December 2023 you can buy one day ticket for a specific route. Since 2019, you can buy an Interrail ticket to Lithuania, but the price makes it unprofitable if you do not travel all day for three days. Perhaps it is good choice for young people. – trip planner, timetable and online shop. Recently, purchasing tickets has been simplified, you can easily add a discount or buy an additional ticket for transporting a bicycle or dog or search international trains.

Tourist can travel by train from Vilnius to Trakai, known for world-famous castle complex revived from ruins, located on an island in Lake Galvė. Train station in Trakai is located 1,5 km from the lake.
There are regional trains from Vilnius to Turmantas, close to Lithuanian-Latvian border, from Kaunas to Siauliai and from Siauliai to Klaipeda. If you want to get to Palanga, you must get off from the train in Kretinge and change to the bus to Palanga. In the nearest future railway line to the Palanga will be build.
Trains from Kaunas run to Siauliai and Marijampole. There are regional trains from Siauliai to Panevezys and from Panevezys to Mazeikiai.

Train travel in Lithuania – international trains
Lithuania has a railway connection with all adjacent countries, but there are only a few international passenger trains.
Direct trains from Vilnius to Minsk ran several times a day in each direction but were suspended due to the war in Ukraine.
Kaliningrad Oblast
There are no passenger trains from Kaliningrad to Lithuania. In 2018 the service from Klaipeda to Sovetsk was launched. The train ran for a very short time and was cancelled. Transit trains from Kaliningrad to Russia and Belarus run through Lithuania.
On 27 December 2023 will start direct train from Vilnius to Riga. Train will stops in Siauliai and Jelgava. Train will departs from Vilnius in the morning and from Riga to Vilnius in the afternoon.
The weekend train from Daugavpils to Vilnius was ceased. – timetable, prices and online shop
There is a railway connection between Krakow and Warsaw and Vilnius but the passengers need to change train at Mockava station. Polish fast train from Krakow terminates at Mockava station. On the same platform waits train Mockava – Vilnius. In Poland, train stops in Krakow, Warszawa, Bialystok and Suwalki. In Lithuania there are designated stops in Marijampole and Kaunas. Polish train is operated by PKP Intercity, the Lithuanian by LTG Link.
Train from Krakow to Mockava is comprised of modern, comfortable and air-conditioned carriages with compartments and open coaches. From Mockava you will continue your journey in LTG Link’s diesel multiple unit PESA630MiL or PESA730M made in Poland. It’s a modern train equipped with air-conditioning and vacuum toilet, seats are arranged 2+2 and you can buy snacks and drinks.
Ticket prices:
Vilnius – Warsaw – 25 EUR
Vilnius – Krakow – 30 EUR
Kaunas – Warsaw – 20 EUR
Kaunas – Krakow – 25 EUR
Kaunas – Suwalki – 11 EUR – timetable, prices and online shop (LTG Link) – online shop (PKP Intercity)
Summer weekend train from Bialystok to Kaunas was ceased.

Narrow gauge railway Anyksciai – Rubikiai
A little-known tourist attraction in Lithuania is the narrow-gauge railway from Panevezys to Onikště, built in 1899, and regular heritage train services were officially launched on May 13, 2001. From Anyksciai the section of the railway line leads to Rubikiai. The preserved section is just a small part of the original line that once ran all the way to Utena, connecting two of Lithuania’s most famous breweries.
The narrow-gauge railway runs regularly on Saturdays and Sundays from May to October on the Anyksciai – Rubikiai route. The journey takes about 50 minutes, then in Rubikiai passengers have two hours off. Then the train starts its return journey.
Tourist groups can charter a train, and for an additional fee the organizers will arrange a “train robbery”, an orchestra and other attractions. The narrow gauge railway has a poor marketing, but it could attract many tourists.
More information: siaurukas. eu

Railway museum in Vilnius
A museum located in the building of the Vilnius railway station with an outdoor exhibition of rolling stock at the extension of platform 1. A small museum, inexpensive admission tickets, the exhibition of rolling stock receives good reviews, while the indoor exhibition will be of interest mainly to railway enthusiasts.
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