There are no passenger trains in Lesotho, but there is a short railway line from Marseilles (South Africa) to industrial part of Lesotho’s capital – Maseru and a railway station in Maseru. Within Lesotho lies only 1,6 km of the line. The railway line was completed in October 1905, on 18th December 1905 was opened for traffic. It was a big event, which was attended by almost half of the Maseru population.
The railway line initially operated both goods and passenger rail services, but nowadays there are no regular passenger services and only freight trains reach Maseru.
It’s a mystery to me, why luxury cruise South African trains as Rovos Rail, don’t reach Maseru.
There are no plans to build new railway lines in Lesotho or to extend existing line, but in 2008 there have been talks of building new railways to connect Lesotho to Durban and Port Elizabeth but the plan failed.
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