The first railway line on the territory present day Kyrgyzstan was completed in 1924. There are two railway lines in Kyrgyzstan. The Northern Line connects northern cities of Kyrgyzstan with Kazakhstan. The railway line runs from Lugovaya through Bishkek to Balykchy (322 km). The second line – Southern Line – runs from Osh (second largest city in Kyrgyzstan) to Jalal-Abad or Kok-Yangak, but this railway line (101 km) is divided by Uzbekistan’s territory. Northern Line and Southern Line are unconnectded.
Last update: 08.06.2024
In 1994 construction of railway line Balykchy – Kochkor – Jalal-Abad began, but due to lack of finances the project has ceased and in 2000 was eventually abandoned.
There are plans for construction China – Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan railway corridor. Originally proposed in the 1990s, the new railway line is expected to be about 523 kilometres long (213 kilometres in China, 260 kilometres in Kyrgyzstan, and 50 kilometres in Uzbekistan). In 2023, five months after China and Kyrgyzstan agreed to begin the construction of the line, China postponed project.

Train travel in Kyrgyzstan – current situation
There are domestic and international passenger trains in Kyrgyzstan. Both passengers and freight trains are operated by state-owned Kyrgyz Temir Zholu company. Rolling stock is from Soviet-era – old rusty carriages except one modern carriage with panoramic windows and air conditioning for summer train to Balykchy. The railway network is neglected and trains are slow but there are renovations on major routers.
There are local trains on the following routes:
Bishkek – Tokmok
Bishkek – Kaindy
During summer train runs from Bishkek to Balykchy (Issyk Kul). Usually from mid-June to mid-July trains run on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, from mid-July to 31 August daily. The railway line from Bishkek to Balykchy is picturesque and many railway enthusiast consider it as one of the most beautiful railway lines in the world. Train has two air-conditioned panoramic cars.
Southern line is not operational since 2010.
You can buy tickets at the railway station. Tickets for local trains are extremely cheap.
Timetable on Kyrgyz Railways’s website
Information about train connections on Kyrgyz Railways’s website
Train from Bishkek to Balykchy in 2024
From June 14 to July 14 train Bishkek – Balykchy runs from the station Bishkek 2 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
From July 15 to August 31 train runs daily.
Timetable in 2024:
– the train departs from Bishkek-2 station at 07:40, arrives at Rybachye station at 11:46;
– departs back from Balykcha at 18:12, arrives at the station Bishkek-2 at 22:18.
The train is comprised of standard seating carriages and three air-conditioned carriages with panoramic windows, upholstered seats and sofas and buffet car.
Ticket for standard carriages costs 150 som (1,59 EUR) for adults and children over 10 years old.
Ticket for high-quality carriages costs 500 som (5,30 EUR) for adults and children over 10 years old.
Ticket for VIP car costs 800 som (8,47 EUR) for adults and children over 10 years old.
Train from Bishkek to Balykchy – additional information

International trains
There are international trains from Bishkek to Samara, Kazan and Novosibirsk. Trains run once, twice or three times a week. Trains run through territory of Kazakhstan.
It’s unclear if runs summer train from Tashkent to Bishkek and Balykchy.
See also: