Train travel in Kazakhstan is surprisingly comfortable, especially if you travel by long-distance trains between major cities. A large part of the railway rolling fleet has been refurbished and replaced in recent years. Some connections are served by modern, air-conditioned Talgo trainsets. International transport corridors between China and Europe cross the territory of Kazakhstan, so railway network is well-kept and many Soviet-era rail routes have been upgraded.
The current rail network is based on the inheritance from the former Soviet Union and as such has a broad gauge of 1,520 mm.
Last updated: 07.05.2024
Train travel in Kazakhstan – domestic trains
Kazakhstan is a vast country. The distances between major cities are several hundred kilometers. Night trains are an excellent solution for tourists. Almost all passenger trains in Kazakhstan are operated by Kazakhstan Railways (Қазақстан темір жолы). Seat reservation in long-distance trains is mandatory. Train tickets are relatively expensive.
Trains in Kazakhstan – useful websites
Kazakhstan Railways – official website
Kazakhstan Railways – online shop – train tickets online (intermediary)
Almaty and Almaty-2 station timetable (
Astana (Nur-Sultan) station timetable (
Shymkent station timetable (

Train travel in Kazakhstan – basic information
– departure and arrival times are determined according to the time in the country’s capital – Astana. This is particularly important in western Kazakhstan, where is a different time zone, and the local time differs by one hour from that in Astana.
– in the summer, tickets should be purchased at least a week in advance. Despite seat reservations, sometimes fights over a place on the train occur.
– when traveling on the Aktobe – Uralsk route, it is necessary to have a valid visa allowing for double entry into the territory of Kazakhstan and a Russian visa, as part of the route passes through Russian territory.
– many trains have designated compartments for bicycles. You just need to ask the conductor to point them.
– in Almaty, there are two railway stations. Almaty 1 station is about 20 kilometers from the city center, while Almaty 2 is closer to the city center. Most long-distance trains depart from Almaty 2 station, except for trains to Pavlodar and Novosibirsk, which depart from Almaty 1 station.
– many trains operate only a few times a week, so it’s worth planning the trip carefully.
– most trains operate at night. During the day, passengers mainly see the endless steppes through the train windows.
Most popular domestic routes:
Astana – Almaty
Astana – Petropavlovsk
Astana – Turkestan
Astana – Karaganda
Almaty – Petropavlovsk
Almaty – Atyrau
Almaty – Aktobe
Almaty – Shymkent

Trains in Kazakhstan – types of the carriages
Kazakhstan Railways’ rolling stock fleet consists of refurbished carriages from Soviet era and Talgo trainsets. There are three main categories of passenger carriages in overnight trains common in former Soviet Union countries:
LUX/SV (1st class) – double compartments with comfortable, fold-out beds. The standard varies depending on the train – you may find compartments with televisions. The carriages are usually air-conditioned and additionally soundproofed. One carriage usually has 8 compartments and 16 seats.
Kupe «K» – sleeping car “Kupe” or “Kupiejy”. Most common sleeping car with 4-bed compartments. Two upper beds and two lower beds. Each carriage has nine separate compartments with four bunks.
Platskart car “PL” – couchette car popular in Ex-USRR countries. Cheap and comfortable option with unique atmosphere but no privacy. The open-class carriage consists of 54 bunks, arranged in bays of 4 on one side and bays of 2 on another. There is an aisle between the two sides. In practice, it is an ordinary carriage without compartments, with places to sleep. Reviews of travelers vary – some are bothered by the lack of privacy, others love these carriages for the opportunity to get to interaction with fellow passengers. There is a storage compartment under the lower bunk where you can store your luggage, so you don’t have to worry about someone stealing it at night.
Most of the “Kupe” and platskart carriages have been refurbished in recent years. Refurbished carriages are equipped with air-conditioning and vacuum toilets.

Train travel in Kazakhstan – Talgo Tulpar trains
The first fast Tulpar-Talgo trains were inaugurated in 2002 on two routes: Astana – Almaty and Almaty – Shymkent. Currently, these trains run to Almaty, Astana, Petropavl, Atyrau, Aktobe, Ust-Kamenogorsk, and Kyzylorda.
Talgo trains are becoming increasingly popular among passengers due to their travel time, which is significantly shorter than trains comprised of carriages. Talgo trains reduced the journey time between Astana and Almaty (1350 km) by eight hours.
The flexible fare system allows travelers to purchase tickets in advance at up to 30% cheaper than the base price.
Talgo trains manufactured for Kazakhstan Railways comply with CIS standards, so they can also operate in other countries, in the region including Russia.
Talgo trains in Kazakhstan have usually three classes:
“Grand” – sleeping carriage with five 2-bed compartments. Each compartment has private shower and WC.
“Business” – sleeping carriage with five 2-bed compartents but toilets are available at each end of the carriage.
“Tourist” – sleeping carriage with five 4-bed compartments.
There are also seating carriages and dining car.
All carriages are air-conditioned. It’s a very comfortable train.

Turan Express
Turan Express is a private railway operator established in 2006. It operates passenger trains on several routes in Kazakhstan. The company primarily focused on freight transport has expanded notably in recent years. In early 2013 the company launched an overnight train from Almaty to Altynkol, near the Chinese border, where travelers can continue their journey to the Cross-Border Cooperation Center or the Chinese city of Korgas by bus. The recently opened cross-border railway line currently serves only freight trains.
Currently, Turan Express operates the following passenger trains:
Almaty – Konaev
Almaty – Kazybek Beka (Казыбек-Бек)
I have no information about overnight trains. The overnight trains were comprised of Trains clean and comfortable sleeping cars with 2-bed compartments, private toilets and showers.
Turan Express – official website
Train travel in Kazakhstan – international trains
Kazakhstan has many international connections with Russia and adjacent countries.
International train Almaty – Urumqi was suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic. There is no up-to-date information about reinstate this passenger trains. There are plans to launch international train Xi’an – Almaty.
Trains from Russia to Bishkek run run through territory of Kazakhstan.
There are many trains between Russia and Kazakhstan, for example:
Almaty – Saratov
Almaty – Novosibirsk
Almaty – Kazan
There are a fast and convenient passenger trains from Tashkent to Almaty and Atyrau and probably lower quality train from Nukus to Beineu.
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