Train travel in Belarus is convenient and reliable way to explore the country. Belarus has a railway network consists of 5,512 km of which 874 km are electrified. Due to political reasons Belarus is not popular destination among travellers from Central and Western Europe. Before pandemic and Russian invasion of Ukraine it seemed that the situation is improving – there were direct trains from Poland to Hrodna and Brest and many people wanted to visit Belarus for tourist purposes. Currently it is clear to everyone that there is no chance for rapid improvement in the situation.
Last update: 10.12.2023
The first railway line crossing the present day Belarus was the Saint Petersburg – Warsaw Railway. In May 1862 the first train from Petersburg to Warsaw made his journey. The train stopped in Hrodna. In 1866 tracks from Warsaw reached Brest. In 1870–1871, the Smolensk-Brest railway was built and was connected with existing railway line from Warsaw to Terespol.
In 1992 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Belarusian Railways company was formed.
In recent years Belarusian Railways bought new trains. Old rolling stock is slowly replaced.

Train travel in Belarus – domestic trains
The railway network in Belarus is well-developed. Passenger trains connect the largest cities such as Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk and Brest, although sometimes the path of the railway line significantly lengthens the journey, for example Brest and Hrodna.
Main railway lines are well-maintaned. Train stations are clean, all necessary services for passengers are available. Beautiful railway station in Brest is worth visit.
Tickets for suburban and regional trains are very cheap.
There are overnight trains in Belarus. Traveling in a sleeper car is relatively cheap and comfortable.
Both passenger and freight trains are operated by Belarusian Railways (Беларуская чыгунка).
Belarusian Railways – timetable online
Belarusian Railways – official website; additional information
Map of railways in Belarus (Wikipedia)

Types of the trains in Belarus
There are the following types of trains in Belarus:
Городские линии – urban and suburban trains in Minsk area. They run within the administrative boundaries of the capital and to nearest cities. It’s like an agglomeration railway.
Региональные линии – regional trains. They run within the administrative boundaries of the region or to the railway stations located in the nearest city of the adjacent region. Some trains have business and economy class (Stadler Flirt). Diesel multiple units DR1 has only economy class. Category Региональные линии экономкласса usually means Soviet-era diesel or electric multiple units. Скорый поезд means that train stops at designated stations only.
Межрегиональные линии – interregional trains. Trains from Minsk to the capitals of the six regions. Trains have business and economy class (electric multiple units ЭПМ).
Международные линии – international trains.

Train travel in Belarus – types of the carriages
In timetable you can notice some types of passenger carriages very common in former Soviet Union countries:
Спальный вагон «СВ» – sleeping car “SV”. Comfortable sleeping car with 2-bed compartments. Both bunks are in lower level. Each carriage has nine separate cabins and two toilets.
Купированный вагон «К» – sleeping car “Kupe”. Most common sleeping car with 4-bed compartments. Two upper beds and two lower beds. Each carriage has nine separate compartments with four bunks.
Плацкартный вагон «ПЛ» – platskart car “PL”. Couchette car popular in Ex-USRR countries. Cheap and comfortable option with unique atmosphere but no privacy. The open-class carriage consists of 54 bunks, arranged in bays of 4 on one side and bays of 2 on another. There is an aisle between the two sides.
Общие вагон «О» — obshtyj. Cheapest and uncomfortable old seat car. Recommended only for young adventure lovers who want to spend as little money as possible or for very short journeys.
Сидячий вагон «С» – sidiaczyj. Seat car with 62 seats. Quality varies.
Diesel and electric multiple units have various arrangement of seats.
Most popular overnight trains in Belarus:
Brest – Minsk – Polotsk
Brest – Gomel
Minsk – Vitebsk
Gomel – Minsk – Grodno

Train travel in Belarus – international trains
Almost all international trains from Belarus were suspended after Russia invaded Ukraine. There are only trains from Belarus to Russia and Kaliningrad Oblast. Most famous is Minsk – Moscow train – only “firmiennyj” train in Belarus. It means that this train provide hiqh quality service.
Direct trains from Vilnius to Minsk ran several times a day in each direction but were suspended due to war in Ukraine.
There was a summer train from Minsk to Riga, very popular train among Belarusians going on holiday to Jurmala. It ran twice a week. Train was suspended due to pandemic and was not reinstated due to war.
All trains to Poland were suspended. Due to war in Ukraine and an invasion of immigrants there are no chances to reinstate trains.
All trains between Belarus and Ukraine were ceased.

Children’s railway in Minsk
One of main railway attractions in Belarus is children’s railway in Minsk, located in Chelyuskinites Park (Дзiцячая чыгунка or Малая Белорусская) . It’s one of many children’s railways that existed in the USSR. The railway was opened on July 9, 1955. It’s fully operated by teenagers. Lenght of the route is 3,79 km, total length 4,5 km. There are three stations – Zaslonovo terminus station, where trains start and end, Pionerskaya and Sosnowyj Bor – where you can take a walk and relax from the hustle and bustle.
Trains run from May to September on weekends, during July and August from Wednesday to Sunday. Ride is short, tickets cheap. At the Zaslonovo station you can see model railway.

Railway Museum in Brest
The most interesting railway museum in Belarus is located in Brest. The first outdoor railway museum in Belarus was opened in 2002. The museum exhibits an impressive collection of historical locomotives from Belarus and the former Soviet Union. There are steam engines, diesel and electric engines, head unit of DMU DR1, snowplough and steam cranes. There is a small section indoors also. The museum gets very good reviews from visitors, especially from railway enthusiasts. It’s definitely worth visit. The museum is situated on the way to the Brest fortress.