Currently, there are no trains between Sarajevo and Zagreb. Regional trains from Croatia terminate at the last railway station before the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. You can cross the border and find the transport on your own. But there are many buses between Zagreb and Sarajevo.
Last updated: 28.12.2023
A long time ago there were trains from Zagreb to Sarajevo. Passenger trains between two capitals were inaugurated after civil war in 2002. International daytime train from Zagreb to Sarajevo stopped at most important stations. It was comprised of Bosnian and Croatian carriages without air-conditioning. Average speed was decent, there were not many passengers outside the summer season but some of locals travelled from Banja Luka, Zenica and Visoko to Sarajevo. Journey time was about 7-8 hours.
Train from Zagreb to Sarajevo was suspended on 11 December 2016 without any explanation.
Each year the Bosnian Railways announce plan to resume this train, but there is no train in the new timetable.
There was also an overnight train Zagreb – Sarajevo. Train had seating carriages only but usually was half-empty, except for the stretch from Zenica to Sarajevo, used by commuters. In Sarajevo passengers can continue journey in Sarajevo – Ploče train (later shortened to Čapljina). Overnight train was ceased earlier that daytime train.
Bosnian Railways purchased Talgo trainsets with sleeping carriages for overnight train between Sarajevo and Zagreb.
See also:
Train travel in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Train travel in Croatia
Railways in Europe