Currently, there is no train from Thessaloniki to Istanbul and travel by train from Greece to Turkey is impossible.
Last updated: 20.01.2024
The passenger train from Thessaloniki to Istanbul was inaugurated in 2005. It was an overnight train. Train was comprised of very comfortable Turkish sleeping cars with 2-bed compartments and air-conditioning. Train named “Friendship Express” (“Dostluki Express”) left from Thessaloniki in the evening and arrived in Istanbul in the morning. On the way it stopped, among others, in Alexandroupolis. The train had two disadvantages – border control in the middle of the night and expensive tickets.
Passengers could arrive by train from Athens and continue their journey to Istanbul in comfort.
In 2011 Greek government cancelled all international trains from Greece. The Friendship Express was also suspended due to cost-cutting by the then Greek state-owned railway company TrainOSE. It seems that Thessaloniki – Istanbul train was cancelled again for good.
The Thessaloniki-Alexandroupolis route is in poor state due to lack of maintenance. The journey time between Thessaloniki – Alexandroupolis is more than twice that by road. There are plans to rehabilitation of the line. The line has been partially closed for passenger routes.
See also:
Train travel in Greece
Train travel in Turkey