Currently, there are no trains between Belgrade and Sofia. Due to reconstruction and modernization of the whole railway line from Niš to Dimitrovgrad all passenger trains to Bulgaria were cancelled until further notice. The works started in November 2023. An opening of the modernized railway line is expected by the end of 2027.
Last updated: 04.01.2025
The project includes the reconstruction of the Sićevo to Dimitrovgrad section (according to the various sources 80-104 km) and the construction of a 22 km long single-track electrified bypass around Niš and the electrification of the entire railway line that connects Niš to Dimitrovgrad. The new bypass take the trains out of the city centre of Niš, but the new railway station will be located on the outskirts of the city.
Th modernised railway line will significantly reduce travel time towards Sofia. Trains from Belgrade to Niš will cover the route in 130 minut ( instead of the six hours before modernistation) and on the section to the Dimitrovgrad train speeds will increase to up to 120 km/h from the current average of 50 km/h.
In 2010 there were two trains between Belgrade and Sofia – daytime train and overnight train.
In 2010, I traveled by night train in a Bulgarian sleeping car – the sleeping car attendant warned about thieves.
Later, an overnight night train was discontinued.
For some time, the daytime train ran daily, then after a while, only in the summer. Passengers complained about the old railway carriages and the very slow ride.
Trains between Belgrade and Sofia were eventually ceased due to Covid-19 pandemic.
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