There are several operating heritage railways in Sweden. Some of them run trains on railway lines active in regular traffic, others on disused lines.
Some railways run trains several times a year, several on holiday weekends and selected days.
Ticket prices for vintage trains and historic railbuses are usually much more expensive than for regular trains. Interrail tickets and other network tickets are not valid.
Heritage railways in Sweden
Dal-Västra Värmlands Järnväg – one of the greatest attractions of the Värmland region. Rides on historic railbuses on the scenic Bengtsfors – Mellerud route (46 km) and on pedal driven trolleys on the Bengtsfors – Årjäng route (52 km). Railbuses run from Monday to Saturday from mid-June to the end of August. A one-way journey takes on average 50 minutes.
Dal-Västra Värmlands Järnväg – official website
Engelsbergs-Norbergs Järnväg – vintage trains and historic railbuses running every Sunday from mid-June to the end of August between Kärrgruvan and Ängelsberg in central southern Sweden. The length of the route is about 18 km.
Engelsbergs-Norbergs Järnväg – official website
Gammelstad – Karlsvikshyttans Järnväg – heritage railway between the North Bothnia Railway Museum at Karlsvik (near Luleå) and Gammelstad. Electric locomotive hauled trains and railbuses.
Gammelstad – Karlsvikshyttans Järnväg – official website
Järnvägssällskapet Åmål – Årjäng Järnväg – occasional vintage train rides between railway museums at Åmål Östra and Svanskog. The total length of the railway line is 25 kilometers. Trains pass through two tunnels, 249 meters and 263 meters long. The route leads through dense forest as well as meadows and lakes.
Järnvägssällskapet Åmål – Årjäng Järnväg – official website
Nora Bergslags Veteran-Jernväg – vintage trains running on two separated routes: Nora Stad to Järle (9.4km) and Nora Stad to Nya Viker (14.8km). On 5 March 1856 the Nora – Ervalla stretch was inaugurated – it was first standard-gauge railway in Sweden. At Nora station visitors can see an exhibition of steam locomotives, railbuses and locomotives. Usually steam hauled trains.
Nora Bergslags Veteran-Jernväg – official website
Skånska Järnvägar – heritage railway in Skane. Vintage trains run from Brösarp to Sankt Olof (13.4 km) on a disused line. Trains are comprised of steam locomotive and historic carriages. The oldest passenger car was built in 1898 and the youngest in 1942. The restaurant car is from 1948. The steam locomotives were manufactured in 1914 and 1952. Top speed is 40 km/h.
Skånska Järnvägar – official website
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