Probably there are no passenger trains in Benin, but current situation is unknown. The first railway line in present day Benin was opened in 1906. 47 km long railway line connected port of Cotonou and Ouidah and was operated by Compagnie Française des Chemins de Fer du Dahomey. The railway line was extended to Parakou in 1936. Known as the Northern Line is the main railway line in Benin and probably only operational.
Last updated: 29.01.2024
Eastern line from Porto Novo to Pobe (107 km) was constructed by Chemin de Fer de Porto Novo à Pobé in stages between 1907 and 1912. The most of the line was closed in 1990, apart from the section from Cotonou to Porto Novo for freight traffic. Passenger traffic between Cotonou and Porto Novo was reinstated in 1999 but ceased after a few years.
Very shortly after the Eastern Line was opened, the extension from Pahou to Segboroue (33 km), constructed by Compagnie Française des Chemins de Fer du Dahomey was completed. Passenger services were ceased in 1990s, later was suspended freight traffic also. The railway line is abandoned.
In the first half of 20st century Benin has a network of numerous narrow gauge railways. The longest narrow gauge railway, the Chemin de Fer d’Abomey-Bohicon-Zagnanado (49 km), was opened in 1927, operating from Abomey to Zagnanado. The railway was closed in 1947.
Train d’Ebène
The most famous train in Benin was Train d’Ebène – tourist train inaugurated in 2005. Initially the train ran twice a week from Cotonou to Parakour and was comprised of renovated passenger wagons from colonial era. The Frenchman Guy Catherine has bought and restored a 1920 abandoned passenger carriages to carry guests between his small chain of hotels. Train stopped at sights and villages along the way.
Later Train d’Ebène offered 10-days journeys with overnight stops at small villages in cooperation with travel agencies.
It is not known about this train’s fate.
International trains
Benin has no railway connection to surrounding countries. There are plans to extend railway line from Parakour to Niamey, build standard gauge railway from Parakour to to Ilorin, Nigeria and connect railway networks in Benin, Togo and Burkina Faso.
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